MSRA Workshop – August 2019

The MSRA Introduction to Market & Social Research course targets new comers in the research industry and is meant to help participants build a firm foundation and improve their capabilities within the research field.
Topics: Introduction to Research, Research Ethics, Research Methods & Processes, Quantitative Research, Qualitative Research.
MSRA Workshop – July 2019

The MSRA Introduction to Market & Social Research course targets new comers in the research industry and is meant to help participants build a firm foundation and improve their capabilities within the research field.
Topics: Introduction to Research, Research Ethics, Research Methods & Processes, Quantitative Research, Qualitative Research.
MSRA Workshop – June 2018

The MSRA Introduction to Market & Social Research course targets new comers in the research industry and is meant to help participants build a firm foundation and improve their capabilities within the research field.
Topics: Introduction to Research, Research Ethics, Research Methods & Processes, Quantitative Research, Qualitative Research.
Branding, Research Methods & the Youth – a Safaricom Experience

Summary: Kenyan Youth more than ever are seeking ways to progress themselves forward through unconventional routes and career paths. Betting taking on a large role in youth wallets. Geography considerations: Different types of youth in different geographies and brand assets. Urbanisation is still less than 40% of Kenya.
The Telco Perspective: The Connected Consumer

10 years ago, we had 10 million mobile subscribers and 2 million data subscribers. Today in 2017, we have 40 million mobile subscribers and 30 million data subscribers. “Keep calm, there’s an app for that!” In fact, the mobile phone has been a ubiquitous success.
Understanding the Shifting Consumer Priorities: The “Nganya” Culture

10 years ago, we had 10 million mobile subscribers and 2 million data subscribers. Today in 2017, we have 40 million mobile subscribers and 30 million data subscribers. “Keep calm, there’s an app for that!” In fact, the mobile phone has been a ubiquitous success.
Whither Qualitative Research?

This paper seeks to disrupt traditional ways of thinking and performing mainly qualitative social and market research in the light of digital advancements. Hinging on the argument that #digital coalesces around social media, mobile and apps; and that while low Internet penetration has always been seen as the key impediment…