MSRA 2019 GP Karting Grand Prix Guidelines

MSRA invites you to the GP Karting Grand Prix event on 1st March 2019. MSRA is focused on bringing together research agencies and researchers through creative engagements such as trainings, workshops and fun activities. This tournament gives you a chance to do this as well as build and showcase your team spirit.
MSRA 2018 GP Karting Grand Prix

Folks, yesterday we had the time of our lives taking part in an exhilarating, fast-paced Grand Prix that was filled with excitement and suspense. The MSRA 2018 GP Karting Grand Prix was also a great occasion to meet and socalise with our industry peers from other organisations involved in Marketing and Social Research. Enjoy the pics!
Bowling on MSRA Fun Days

Although the Marketing and Social Research Association is a professional standards organisation whose members are serious about their craft, truth be told, we also enjoy socialising. After all, being ‘social’ […]
Mount Kenya Climb 2011 – Part 1

MSRA stongly believes in challenging its members to become better professionals in the exciting and ever expanding field of Marketing and Social Research. Well, what better way to improve oneself […]