Marketing & Social Research Association – MSRA

Event: MSRA Annual Conference 2017

  • Presenters: Janet Ragui, Ndungu Muigua, Morris Mwangi
  • Affiliation: n/a
  • Contacts: n/a
  • Paper Submission to MSRA Conference 2017
  • Conference Theme: “Understanding Shifting Consumer Priorities”


The evolving consumer needs

  • Areas highlighted:
    – Social media
    – Fashion
    – Means of transport

Why these changes?

Culture shifts

  • Religious beliefs
  • Education
  • Lifestyle


  • Smart devices
  • Artificial intelligence

More expressive

  • Emotional needs

Emotional connections influencing consumer decisions

  • Emotions play a critical role in the consumer decision journey
    …brands they associate with,..brands to recommend….
  • Consumers will consider and evaluate brands, based on:
    – Experiences
    – Recommendations
  • Brands therefore need to focus on developing emotional connections with consumers to recruit and retain
    – Personalization
    – Sense of belonging
    – Fulfillment
    – Understanding
    – Caring
    – Identity
    – Involvement
    – Inspiration
Understanding Shifting-Consumer Priorities: The Evolution of Matatu Culture
Understanding Shifting Consumer Priorities: The Evolution of Matatu Culture

The Nganya Culture

  • MATATUS that have been customized to fit the needs of the urban consumer.
  • They are identifiable by their graffiti, entertainment and stylish & attractive designs.
  • NGANYAS have successfully TRANSFORMED matatus from a MEANS to a CULTURE.
  • A bulk of the consumers are the “millennials” – the rapidly changing consumer segment.
  • Matatus have managed to tap into the consumers emotional space.

Kenya is a country dominated by youth, with 51 percent of the population under the age of 25, if we assume linear demographic shifts over the last 10 years

Understanding the Shifting Consumer Priorities - Kenya is dominated by youth

Drivers to Emotional Experience with ‘nganya’

  • The Art in and out of the ‘mathree’
  • Beauty of the car
  • Modest
  • Comfort
  • Good customer care
  • Name
  • Keeps good time that is does not waste time at every stage.
  • Conductor-looks (hygiene), dressing, talk
  • WI-FI
  • Keeping up with the trends – movies, music, technology.

Way forward

  1. Create connection points with consumer along every step of their journey from searching for products to recommending and repurchase.
    – This can be achieved by recording important life milestones are so as to build relationships beyond product interactions.
  2. Personalization of products as opposed to a ‘one fits all approach’.
    – Create intimate relationships with the consumers and in turn translating to loyal customers who are satisfied.
  3. Establishment of dedicated online presence on the platforms that most consumers are interacting on to give instant feedback onqueries and complaints that have been raised.

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