Marketing & Social Research Association – MSRA

MSRA Presentation: The Rise and Rise of the Teen Consumer

Event: MSRA Conference 2012
Date: May 2012
Presenter: Deborah Sambu Aywaya

In the African culture, teens are often ignored or disregarded are they are seen as lacking in knowledge and experience and therefore unable to add value. However in this generation where teens are exposed to so much information, for example from the Internet, from an early age, their role and status in society is changing. Even in the political arena, 2011 saw a lot of political upheavals in the Middle East and in North Africa led by youth movements.

In the commercial arena therefore, the teens should also not be ignored, especially in East Africa. Their population size, coupled with their spending power, makes them an important segment for any company manufacturing products, or offering services for youth people. This paper draws from findings from a youth study carried out by TNS among 12-19 year-olds in Kenya drawing comparisons with other countries.

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