Marketing & Social Research Association – MSRA

Building Mobile Apps that Impact African Consumers

Building Mobile Apps That Impact African Consumers (Cameroon, Ghana & Kenya)

The app economy in Africa: App developers earning in 2014 – $17bn; Jobs supported by mobile economy by 2020 – 2.7mn; Number of smartphones by 2020 (GSMA) – 540m; Number of connections in Africa – 965mn; Case study: Why M-Pesa failed in South Africa?

Will Traditional Market Research Survive?

Will Traditional Market Research Survive?

Online is Here, Now and in the Future. Face to face interviews are slowly but surely phasing out. Online quantitative is now a reality. Paradigm Shift Approach. Call to Action for Market Researchers. Our Survival amidst Digital Disruption = human skills + emotional intelligence that can capture the nuances and insights of how humanity interacts with brands. Market Research will revolve around MAN…and not machines!

The Reality of the African Middle Class

African middle class

Is there really a population in Africa that is able and willing to spend far and beyond meeting basic needs (food, shelter, clothing, education, healthcare…)? …What are the opportunities offered to the business community by the existence of the middle class?

Citizen Journalism in Shaping Media Consumption

Kibera zine: Citizen journalism in Africa

Date: May 2013 Presented by: Shaban Muhadia Abstract: Citizen journalism has reconstructed traditional reporting practices by advocating public listening in news gathering, by producing purposeful news and encouraging public debate. […]

The Rise and Rise of the Teen Consumer

African teenage consumers

In the African culture, teens are often ignored or disregarded are they are seen as lacking in knowledge and experience and therefore unable to add value. However in this generation where teens are exposed to so much information, for example from the Internet, from an early age, their role and status in society is changing. Even in the political arena, 2011 saw a lot of political upheavals in the Middle East and in North Africa led by youth movements.