Marketing & Social Research Association – MSRA


  • Research Methods – Quantitative & Qualitative Approaches


  • Olive M. Mugenda (PhD) & Abel G. Mugenda (PhD)

Overview of book

The focus of this book focus is elaborating on the basic concepts of research. This book demystifies the research process and explains the various concepts and technical terms in a language that is easily understood and appreciated.

Target Readers

  • This book is ideal for beginners in the research profession as it provides a good foundation on the basic terms and processes in research.
  • It is also ideal for lecturers teaching new researchers the basics of research.
  • Undergraduate and post-graduate students – to inform academic researches.


The topics covered in this book are as follows:

  • Meaning and Purpose of Research
  • Basic Terms in Research
  • Literature Review
  • Data Collection Methods
  • Developling Research Instruments
  • Reliablity and Validity in Research
  • Data Analysis
  • Writing a Research Report
  • Types of Research
  • Logistical & Ethical Issues in Research
  • Introduction to Qualitiative Research
  • Writing a Research and Project Proposal

More info

  • Available in all book shops locally and retails at about Kshs 800/=

8 Responses

  1. It is a very insightful book, for the researchers.i have been reading it while developing my concept note,and it really helped me,especially in developing my problem statement and justify the purpose of my study.