Marketing & Social Research Association – MSRA

Participant Companies:

1. Consumer Insight 2. Consumer Options Ltd 3. GfK E.A4. Infinite Insight Limited5. Infotrak Research & Consulting6. Ipsos Synovate 7. Millward Brown EA Ltd

​8. Nielsen Kenya9. Quadz Consulting Limited10. RSA11. Sbo Research12. Strategic Pr & Research Ltd13. TNS East Africa

Key challenges in East Africa:


  • Limited number of experienced /qualified resource/staff
  • Limited trained & skilled staff leading to poor quality data collection
  • Availability of human resource
  • Limited pool of talents: it is difficult to find the right people with some experience in the industry – especially in Operations
  • Finding the right staff who are already trained.
  • Finding qualified middle and top level management
  • Qualified and experienced staff
  • Limited human capital.


  • Rising cost of operations
  • Reduced Margins / Profits
  • Low budgets by clients
  • Economic recession and slumps force market research costs down as clients not willing to pay well for services rendered.
  • Increasing client demands against reducing budgets. They want more for less.
  • Access to technology: research has moved from manual to computerized data collection and accessing affordable software is not easy.

Spending by Research Method


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