Marketing & Social Research Association – MSRA

Theme: “Unmasking the BOP: Kadogo Economy”


With the aim of ensuring the steady growth of our industry by promoting a learning culture, the Marketing & Social Research Association (MSRA) Kenya welcomes your participation in its 10th conference scheduled to take place on the 21st of September 2018 in Nairobi.

MSRA Conference 2018 - Nairobi

Rationale for the Conference Theme

The bottom of the pyramid (BoP) represents the biggest market opportunity in the world if companies can offer affordable products and services more efficiently. This means seeing the BoP consumers not as victims of poverty but as value driven consumers. BoP Consumers are not necessarily defined by money but by mindset as well.

Companies that benefit from the BoP consumer are those that can offer a value proposition that caters for the BoP pocket as well as the mindset. This ensures that all products and services can be innovatively made accessible to this large consumer base. To access opportunities at the BoP, companies have to combine low costs, quality, profitability and sustainability. MSRA will dig deeper into “The biggest market opportunity – BoP” by taking into consideration their drivers to choice, buying patterns and behaviour.

Objectives of the Conference

By the end of the conference, participants should be able to:

  • Define the BoP Consumer and profile them
  • Articulate their consumption and purchasing behaviour
  • Identify the stimuli or circumstances that are driving their behaviour
  • Evaluate success factors in responses that have worked and factors for those that have failed in attracting the BoP Consumer.
  • Appreciate innovative thinking and practices from local and international firms that are winning in their response to the bottom of the pyramid consumer.
  • Participate in sharing research best practices that have had a real impact in identifying the tastes, purchasing behaviour and insights generated in response to the BoP consumer.
  • Expand the working network of researchers and business

Conference Sub Themes

  • Understanding the BoP Consumer – this subtopic seeks to articulate an understanding of who is a BoP Consumer? Their drivers and motivations, Consumer behaviour and decision-making patterns. We hope to see evidence from desk research or primary research in supporting conclusions made.
  • Responding to the shift – Within this subtopic, we would like to know what we as a research industry could do to better understand the BoP consumer whose priorities are different and shifting. How has this changed our thinking, approach or execution? We also hope to hear how clients have had to re-think their strategy to market their products in an attractive manner to the BoP consumer and its impact on their business. Have consumers noted the change – Kadogo economy?
  • Future proofing in business – How do businesses innovatively respond to offer value to the BoP Consumers.
  • What mechanisms do FMCG companies use to target the BoP consumers? How can the research industry help businesses unearth the opportunities that exist?

To achieve the objectives of the conference, the following activities shall be undertaken:

  • Plenary sessions
  • Panel discussions
  • Outdoor exhibitions
  • Networking sessions

Speaker’s Manual

  • ** download link will soon be posted here **

Contact Us / Leave a Comment

We look forward to your participation. For any clarifications/questions, please contact the MSRA Secretariat (Sylvia Radido) via email ( or our online contact form. Alternately, feel free to leave a question or comment below.