Marketing & Social Research Association – MSRA

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Conference Theme: BUSINESS AGILITY

Why Business Agility?

Until recently, the term “Agility” in business circles was tied to notions of radical innovation. However, in the wake of COVID-19, the term’s original meaning has been reclaimed. “Business as usual” has become “business unusual.”

Business agility is concerned with adopting and evolving values, behaviors, and capabilities that enable businesses and individuals to be more adaptive, creative, and resilient when dealing with complexity, uncertainty, and change, leading to improved well-being and better outcomes. What does agility look like for the Market Research Industry? What does skill look like for our clients’ brands?

The conference theme explores what AGILITY looks like by inviting content that speaks to the agile success and agile failures of companies /brands. It also explores the NEED for agility and TRIGGERS for agility, especially regarding the Covid-19 pandemic.

The event will be hosted on 30th June 2022(7:30 AM-6:30 PM) at Villa Rosa Kempinski, Westlands, Nairobi-Kenya.


MembersKsh. 15,000 only

Non-members-Ksh. 17,000 only

How to make payment:


  1. Lipa Na M-PESA
  2. Pay Bill
  3. Enter Business No.: 637894
  4. Account No.: Enter your name or the company you are making payment for
  5. Please forward your MPesa transaction receipt to the MSRA mobile line at +254 719769016

Haven’t booked your slot yet? What are you waiting for?

Visit us at Whitefield Place, School Lane,3rd Floor Westlands (Nairobi Kenya) or email us at, Call or send a WhatsApp message via +2547(0)719769016