Marketing & Social Research Association – MSRA


  • The Conference Theme
  • The market research Industry Survey 2016
  • The structure of the conference
  • Our sponsors

Opening Remarks

GOOD MORNING, ladies & gentlemen!

As the current Marketing Social and Research Association Chair 2017, I am delighted to welcome you all to our 16th Annual conference. I am particularly happy to note that amongst you all, we have both new and experienced researchers; clients and other industry stakeholders.

The conference traditionally also attracts regional participants, but our country’s dynamics this year has impacted on most things. We do however have one participant from Malawi (residing in Mozambique) Mr. Chisomo Chilemba, the Managing Director of Top Marketing LDA.

And thanks to you all, we have a good turn out and we intend to deliver a great conference to you all.

Our theme this year is titled #UNDERSTANDING SHIFTING CONSUMER PRIORITIES and aims to explore and examine what shifts are taking place from the consumers’ perspective.

Our Presenters will enlighten us on what the shifts are, what the main contributors to the shift are and finally how to ‘future proof’ our businesses and our clients brands to the changes. But before we look more closely at this, I would first like, to very briefly share with you some of the market research industry’s statistics, a few of which indicate the trending changes and direction of our industry.

Read more (pdf, 18pgs, 516KB)