Marketing & Social Research Association – MSRA

“MR Apprentices” – Here They Come!  |  by Richard Wanjohi

Take a look at these numbers and note them down somewhere; 61  years, 7  billion and 52%. We’ll review them at some point later.  Any business worth its salt in the current world knows that research has become very integral to the success and survival of their entity. From big multinationals to SMEs and even the start-ups that are creating a buzz in the technology and various sectors of the economy. Baseline studies, customer surveys, polling to longitudinal studies and more recently ‘big  data’ all these are just but part of the offering from your typical marketing research organisation.

Even what would be referred to as past times such as sports (a proclivity for this writer) which were previously not such huge consumers of research, this has become very vital. The statistics and numbers displayed here not only make for interesting viewing by the TV and sports commentators; it also offers the sports consumers the thrills and enrichment while enjoying their favourite game, sport or event…..

Richard Wanjohi, Marketing Consultant and part of pioneering class for MSc (Marketing) at the University of Nairobi. Email: rwanjohi[at]  | Twitter: @rwanjohi 

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MSRA 2014 Convention
Technology in Research: “The good, the Bad & the Opportunity”

MSRA invites you to its 2014 Convention scheduled for the 26th of June 2014. The conference themed “Technology in Research – the good, the bad and the opportunities”,  will explore critical issues on the use of and future of technology in research.

This premier event brings together key stakeholders from the Government, media fraternity, academia, consumers of research (from private and public sectors) among others to share experiences, perspectives, insights and the latest developments in Market and Social Research. This year’s conference features a special effort dedicated to the exchange between Kenya’s market research professionals and their clients.

This will feature experiences from various clients on the role of market research in their organizations, including the success cases as well as their disappointments and expectations.

The Keynote speaker will be Mr. Joseph Mucheru, Google Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) ambassador as well as Country Manager Kenya.

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