Marketing & Social Research Association – MSRA


  • Ray Poynter

Overview of book

This  book  is  specifically  designed  and  written  as  a  handbook.  Different market  researchers  have very different needs. The book is written in discrete parts and chapters, allowing the reader to focus on what they need to know, without having to read the whole book from cover to cover. The book will be of interest to market researchers, buyers of market research, and students interested in knowing  where the leading edge is and the directions that online and social media research are taking.

Target Readers

  • Market Researchers who want to increase their knowledge and use of the internet and social media as a modality for their projects.
  • Experts in  the field of online and  social  media research who want to compare their experience with the alternative view of best practice.
  • Buyers of market research who want to expand their understanding of what can be offered and also of the limitations implicit in the market research methods that are currently available.


The topics covered in this book are as follows:

  • Online Quantitative Survey Research
  • Qualitative Research
  • Social Media
  • Research Topics
  • Breaking News!
  • New MR
  • Trends and Innovations
  • An Overview of Online and Social Media Research

More info

Available to order from Esomar website:

  • Printed Version: EUR 55.00
  • Members price: EUR 45.00
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  • Reviews