Marketing & Social Research Association – MSRA

MSRA Code of Ethics

Our VisionMSRA: Code of Ethics

To provide a platform to bring together professionals interested in building a world-class marketing research industry in Africa.

Our Mission

MSRA provides a professional and active forum for its members to promote best practice in marketing and social research while advancing professional research as an effective decision-making tool for stakeholders and industry players across Africa.

Our ValuesEthics quote by Jane Nzomo


We uphold the highest standard of Integrity.


We demonstrate personal Commitment.


We encourage a culture of Innovation.

Our Pledge

  • We MSRA Members, Representatives and Stakeholders commit to conducting research ethically and responsibly. We do so in line with our values of integrity, commitment and innovation.
  • We respect applicable laws, regulations, codes and industry standards while upholding human dignity and diversity.
  • We manage our research in the best interest of all stakeholders, including our environment and the societies we work in.

MSRA Members Code of Ethics Compliance

The below MSRA members support the 12 principles of the MSRA Code of Ethics and have signed a commitment expressing their intent to implement those principles by making them part of the day-to-day operations of their companies:

  • Consumer Insight Ltd
  • Consumer Options Ltd
  • Digital Divide Data Kenya Ltd
  • GFK Retail & Tech E.A. Ltd
  • Infinite Insight Ltd
  • Infotrak Research & Consulting Ltd
  • Ipsos Ltd
  • Kantar Millward Brown Ltd
  • Kantar TNS
  • Research Solutions Africa Ltd
  • Youth Dynamix Ltd