Marketing & Social Research Association – MSRA

Ethics Disciplinary Process

MSRA Code of Ethics Disciplinary Procedure

Preamble: MSRA Ethics Principles

MSRA provides a professional and active forum for its members to promote best practice in marketing and social research while advancing professional research as an effective decision-making tool for stakeholders and industry players across Africa. It provides a platform to bring together professionals interested in building a world-class marketing research industry in Africa. This document prepared by MSRA, details the guiding principles for the Code of Ethics, as well as the disciplinary procedures that shall be followed in all reported cases of breach of ethics.

Key Principles

All the core fundamental principles of the MSRA Code of Ethics apply to any research activity conducted by the members and representatives of MSRA. The following key principles guide our Code of Ethics:

  1. REPUTATION: MSRA Members and Representatives, regardless of experience or position shall always, ensure that their actions reflect positively upon the research industry. Neither MSRA Members nor Representatives shall undertake any action that shall bring the reputation of the research industry into question or disrepute.
  2. RESPECT FOR RULES: MSRA Members and Representatives shall act in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations and industry standards. No Member or Representative undertakes, or assist another to undertake any action, which violates applicable laws, regulations or industry standards that are present in their jurisdiction of operations.
  3. RESPECT FOR PERSONS: MSRA Members and Representatives ensure that their dealings with others shall foster mutual trust and respect. The members and representatives of the MSRA
    shall not behave in a manner that is prejudicial or discriminatory and shall withhold respect for all persons (including children) at all times. The welfare of the children shall always be an overriding consideration and they shall not be disturbed or harmed by the research experience. The protection of children and vulnerable persons – such as persons with disability shall be of paramount importance in the research process.
  4. CONFIDENTIALITY: MSRA Members and Representatives shall protect all information that is sensitive, confidential or private from misuse either from themselves or from misuse by other persons. An MSRA Member or Representative shall only use or disclose such information for the purposes for which it was collected or as a permissible secondary use with the express authority from the owner of that information; unless this information is in the public domain (and is properly cited as so) or unless the disclosure is otherwise required by law.
  5. HONESTY: MSRA Members and Representatives shall at all times remain truthful in their dealings with clients and with other relevant stakeholders, even when that may be difficult or possibly result in loss of business.
  6. FAIRNESS: MSRA Members and Representatives shall conduct business in a manner that is objective and impartial. Fairness requires the member or representative managing one’s own prejudices and self-interests to ensure that biases or conflicts do not compromise professional conduct.
  7. CONFLICT OF INTEREST: MSRA Members and Representatives shall be sensitive to potential conflicts of interest; and as such, shall disclose conflict of interest and/or shall remove themselves from a transaction where they foresee potential conflict of interest. Members and Representatives shall be sensitive to potential conflicts of interest; and as such, shall disclose conflict of interest and/or shall remove themselves from a transaction where they foresee potential conflict of interest. Members and Representatives shall not misuse confidential information they acquire by virtue of their position for personal or corporate gain.
  8. COMPETENCY: MSRA Members and Representatives shall employ suitably trained researchers and make appropriate use of technical skills and knowledge. It is expected that members and representatives of the MSRA shall continuously improve upon their skills and take care not to over-claim on their competencies.
  9. RESPONSIBILITY FOR ACTIONS: MSRA Members and Representatives shall accept responsibility for their decisions, their actions or inactions and the consequences thereof.
  10. POLITICAL NEUTRALITY: MSRA Members and Representatives shall avoid situations that create the perception of being partisan. They shall refrain from activities that may compromise or be seen to compromise their neutrality in their dealings.
  11. RESPECT FOR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: MSRA Members and Representatives shall honour patents, copyrights, and other forms of intellectual property rights. This includes, but is not limited to, proprietary data, confidential company information, branding, templates and marketing material, provided that this is obtained without payment or permission from the proprietary owner.
  12. CORRUPTION PREVENTION: MSRA Members and Representatives shall not directly or indirectly accept, offer, pay, or solicit bribes in any form in their dealings.

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