Marketing & Social Research Association – MSRA

MSRA Industrial Survey 2012

MSRA Industry Survey 2012

This survey highlights the key challenges in East Africa that are: HR Related (limited number of experienced /qualified resource/staff), Cost Related (rising cost of operations), Client Related (Difficult working environment in some West African markets), Political / Admin (corruption – esp. in public sector)…

MSRA Industrial Survey 2011

MSRA Industry Survey 2011

Revenue Source By Region: Kenya 58%, Uganda 8%, Tanzania 11%, Eastern Africa 9%, Rest of Africa 14%. Sources Of Turnover – Client Type: Manufacturing 28%, Telecommunications 17%, Public Sector 12%, Financial Services 10%, Research Institutes 9%, Business-to-Business and Industrial 5%, Wholesale & Retail 4%, Advertising Agencies 4%, Media 4%, Utilities 3%, Other 5%.

2010 Research Industry Survey Results

2010 Research Industry Survey Results

Despite the global economical downturn and the decline in global market research spend, the 2010 MSRA survey, once again recorded outstanding growth for the East African research industry with member revenues increasing from Kshs 1,785m in 2008 to Kshs 2,250m during 2009.

2009 Research Industry Survey Results

2009 Research Industry Survey Results

According to the latest ESOMAR Global Market Research Report (2008), Africa represents only 1% of total global research spend with revenue of US$ 266m. However this is up from $222m the previous year and has been growing steadily since the millennium. Indeed Africa represents the fastest growing region with absolute year on year growth in 2008 of 25.9%.

2008 Research Industry Survey Results

2008 Research Industry Survey Results

In the past few years, Kenyan based research agencies have positioned themselves to take advantage of this interest in Africa and Kenya has emerged as the hub country for much of the research done across the continent. Indeed, Kenya agencies now conduct work in most sub-Saharan African countries.