Marketing & Social Research Association – MSRA

The Marketing and Social Research Association (MSRA) was established in 1998 and is Kenya’s professional association for individuals involved in compiling or using marketing and social research. It aims to create a forum for research practitioners within which members can maintain a spirit of cooperation, support and mutual goodwill.

The association provides a forum through which members can exchange views on research and encourages collective activities between members designed to improve the standards of research activities in the region.
We believe we are the first body established to be the authoritative voice of all individuals in protecting, supporting and enhancing research in Africa.


Provide a platform to bring together professionals interested in building a world class research industry in Africa.


MSRA exists to meet the professional needs of members through:

  • Growing a wide based membership that is inclusive and participatory
  • Disseminating and upholding best practice (both local and international)
  • Making available relevant information, knowledge and education
  • Living the code and embracing self-regulation

MSRA Board 2020

Chair Paul Koske
Vice Chairperson  Jessica Kimathi
Secretary Susan Chege
Treasurer Emily Were
Secretariat Sylvia Radido


Marketing & Social Research Association
PO Box 25404, 00100. Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: 0208024830, 0719769016
Location: Whitefield Place, 3rd Floor, School Lane, Westlands, Nairobi